
FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) Calculator

FIRE is a financial movement aimed at achieving financial independence and retiring earlier than the traditional retirement age. To calculate how much you need to retire early, you can use this tool to determine your required nest egg based on your expected annual expenses, current savings, investment returns, and contribution rate.

Assumptions used in this calculator:

  • 4% Rule: The calculator assumes a 4% withdrawal rate, which is based on the idea that you can safely withdraw 4% of your nest egg each year in retirement.
  • Investment Returns: The calculator assumes a 7% average annual return on investments (after inflation), which is based on historical stock market performance.
  • Inflation: It assumes an inflation rate of 2% annually, which affects both your future expenses and your investment growth.
  • Contributions: Assumes consistent annual contributions and no major lifestyle changes.
7% 2%

Your FIRE Goal (Nest Egg) is: $0